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August 2, 2021

August 2, 2021
FAQs in COVID-19 Section Updated

Updates related to the start of Academic Year 2021-2022 have been made to the Frequently Asked Questions page in the COVID-19 section of the ACGME website. Other information on the ACGME's response to the pandemic is available in this section.

2022 Annual Educational Conference News

The 2022 conference will be offered in a hybrid model with both in-person and virtual registration options. The ACGME will take every step to ensure a safe space to learn, engage, and connect, and will take a conservative approach to virus prevention, in alignment with the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort, the Centers for Disease Control, and federal and local government guidelines. 

CLOSING TODAY! Call For Sessions

Annual Educational Conference and Coordinator Forum Pre-Conference
The Call for Sessions for the 2022 Annual Educational Conference is now open! Session proposals are being accepted for the Conference itself and the Coordinator Forum Pre-Conference to be held February 24-26, 2022. All accepted sessions will be presented on site at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida. Submit proposals by Monday, August 2, 2021 11:59 p.m. Central.

Click here to learn more and submit a proposal!

Coordinator Forum Pre-Conference: coordinatorforum@acgme.org
Annual Educational Conference: acgmeconference@acgme.org

ACGME Requirements for Review and Comment

The following Program Requirements and Recognition Requirements and accompanying Impact Statements are posted for review and comment, here:

Comment Deadline: September 3, 2021
Health Care Administration, Leadership, and Management

Comment Deadline: September 1, 2021
Health Care Administration, Leadership, and Management
Radiation Oncology

Comment Deadline: August 25, 2021
Institutional Requirements
Recognition for Sponsoring Institutions with Non-Standard Training Programs for J-1 Visa Sponsorship

Comment Deadline: August 11, 2021
Neurocritical Care

Registration Closed! New Course for Institutional Coordinators

Registration for the Introduction to Sponsoring Institutions and Clinical Learning Environments for Institutional Coordinators workshop is now closed. A waitlist is available for those interested in being notified when more spots become available. 
Learn more about the workshop and the waitlist here.

NEW! ACGME Initiative to Increase Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Within GME and Promote Health Equity

The ACGME is proud to announce ACGME Equity Matters™, a new initiative that supplies a framework for continuous learning and process improvement in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion and anti-racism practices. The initiative aims to drive change within graduate medical education by increasing physician workforce diversity, and building safe and inclusive learning environments, while promoting health equity by addressing racial disparities in health care and overall population health.

Led by the Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, ACGME Equity Matters will provide a comprehensive curriculum of ideas, models, and data to support interventions that address structural barriers to developing a diverse physician workforce to care for diverse patient populations.

Learn More

Email questions to diversity@acgme.org.

NEW! ACGME Rural Track Program Designation FAQ Guide Available

Under the accreditation framework for Medically Underserved Areas and Populations (MUA/P), the ACGME has developed an ACGME Rural Track Program designation across specialties that will facilitate the expansion of opportunities to address the health care needs of medically underserved areas. This designation aligns with current rules and regulations of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that address separately accredited “rural tracks.” An FAQ guide for this designation is now available on the web page.

Email additional questions about this designation process to muap@acgme.org.

NEW! Milestones Quality Assurance

The ACGME has established a quality assurance program as a part of the Milestones 2.0 implementation process and is looking for 20 volunteers in each of the following specialties and subspecialties to participate in this process: 

Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology
Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine
Brain Injury Medicine
Chemical Pathology
Child Neurology
Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology
Colon and Rectal Surgery
Complex General Surgical Oncology
Critical Care Medicine
Emergency Medicine
Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism
Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology
Forensic Pathology
Geriatric Medicine
Infectious Disease
Internal Medicine
Interventional Cardiology
Medical Microbiology
Molecular Genetic Pathology
Musculoskeletal Radiology
Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Nuclear Radiology
Orthopaedic Surgery
Pediatric Pathology
Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
Pediatric Urology
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Preventive Medicine - Aerospace Medicine
Preventive Medicine - Occupational Medicine
Pulmonary Critical Care
Pulmonary Disease
Selective Pathology
Spinal Cord Injury Medicine
Surgical Critical Care
Thoracic Surgery – Independent
Thoracic Surgery – Integrated
Transplant Hepatology
Vascular Neurology
Vascular Surgery 

Volunteers should be actively involved in program leadership or a member of their program's Clinical Competency Committee. Over the next few years, the ACGME will collect feedback about the new Milestones through a combination of focus groups and surveys. Focus groups will be held at annual program director meetings, and surveys will be completed electronically or by phone. Surveys will be brief and should take less than five minutes to complete.

Fill Out the Volunteer Form

Email questions to milestones@acgme.org.

Direct Supervision Using Telecommunication Technology

Effective July 1, 2021, the ACGME Common Program Requirements were updated to allow Review Committees to permit VI.A.2.c).(1).(b) as a definition of direct supervision without requiring inclusion of specialty/subspecialty-specific program requirements, which is now optional.

A list of the specialties and subspecialties that have decided to permit direct supervision using telecommunication technology effective July 1, 2021 can be found on the Common Program Requirements page under Additional Resources and the Institutional Review Committee page under Selected Topics Across Program Requirements.
Note some Review Committees are still considering whether to permit direct supervision as defined in VI.A.2.b).(1).(b), and/or considering the development of specialty/subspecialty-specific program requirements addressing this type of supervision. Updates will be provided in the ACGME e-Communication as they become available.

Selected Topics Across Program Requirements Updated

The documents under the Selected Topics Across Program Requirements heading on the Institutional Review Committee page have been updated to reflect the specialty/subspecialty-specific program requirements effective July 1, 2021. These documents are organized by topic across all Program Requirements as a useful reference for determining varying expectations among specialties. 

Common Program Requirements FAQs Updated

The FAQs related to the ACGME Common Program Requirements have been updated, effective July 1, 2021. The FAQs can be found on the Common Program Requirements page under the Additional Resources heading.

NEW! JGME Articles for the Week

White Coats for Black Lives
Kameelah Lanette Gateau, MD, MS, FAAP
“This contrast of two opposing symbols—my white coat and my Black body—cannot occupy the same space without symbolizing the historical reality that the fulfillment of the values of equity, equality, and justice for all was not really intended for ‘all.’” So writes the author of this JGME perspective as she explores her personal experiences and her larger role fighting racial disparities for both Black physicians and their patients, only one generation removed from Jim Crow.

Legal Regulations and Institutional Policies Underlying Parental Leave in Graduate Medical Education
Sashank Prasad, MD; Pavan A. Vaswani, MD, PhD; Joshua A. Budhu, MD; Sarah E. Conway, MD; Lauren R. Kett, MD, PhD; Silviya H.M. Eaton, MBA, MA, C-TAGME; Michael P. Bowley, MD, PhD
This special article looks at how one neurology program incorporated both the laws and requirements specific to its field to create a parental leave policy. Surveying the legal history of parental leave, as well as current ACGME and ABMS regulations, the authors show how familiarity with these minimal requirements can help guide a policy to go even further in the areas of equity, health, and well-being.

Check out the accompanying episode of JGME Hot Topics in MedEd podcast: GME Parental Leave Policies.

IRC Seeks New Member

The IRC seeks one new member for a six-year term beginning July 1, 2022. A nominee must have current or previous experience with graduate medical education at the institutional level as a designated institutional official (DIO). Self-nominations are permitted.

Review the Institutional Review Committee Member Nomination Form and Institutional Review Committee Member Nomination Request documents here.

Email nomination materials and questions to irc@acgme.org by September 6, 2021.

Deadlines Approaching! Calls for Resident Members

The following Review/Recognition Committees are seeking their next resident member for a July 1, 2022-June 30, 2024 term. Resident members provide the learner perspective, foster accountability to the needs of residents and fellows, and enrich the work of the committee. Selected nominees will be presented to the ACGME Board of Directors for approval.

The resident member must have a minimum of one year of nuclear medicine residency education remaining after July 1, 2022. Details and nomination instructions are available in the Nuclear Medicine section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Bianca Andino
Deadline: August 2, 2021

Visit the Documents and Resources page of the Allergy and Immunology section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Larisa Cassie
Deadline: August 6, 2021

Details: Additional information is available on the Documents and Resources page of the Colon and Rectal Surgery section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Jennifer Luna
Deadline: August 27, 2021

The resident member must be currently enrolled at the PGY-2 level in a three-year ACGME-accredited family medicine program as of July 1, 2022. Details and nomination instructions are available in the Family Medicine section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Sandra Benitez
Deadline: August 20, 2021

Read the full solicitation on the Documents and Resources page in the Obstetrics and Gynecology section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Tina Espina
Deadline: August 9, 2021

Details: Read the full solicitation on the Documents and Resources page in the Ophthalmology section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Tina Espina
Deadline: October 15, 2021
Details: The resident member must be enrolled in an ACGME-accredited program with Osteopathic Recognition, in a designated position, on July 1, 2022, and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the residency program. Details and nomination instructions are available upon request.
Contact: Ariel Viera
Deadline: September 8, 2021
Details: The resident member must be enrolled in an ACGME-accredited osteopathic neuromusculoskeletal medicine residency program on or prior to the start of his or her term on Review Committee and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the residency program. Details and nomination instructions are available upon request.
Contact: Ariel Viera
Deadline: September 10, 2021

Details: Additional information is available on the Documents and Resources page of the Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Jennifer Luna
Deadline: August 27, 2021

Deadlines Approaching! Calls for Public Members
The following Review Committees are seeking their next public member for six-year terms beginning July 1, 2022. These members share the perspective of the public, foster public accountability, enrich the work of the Committee through outside expertise, and create transparency. While nominees cannot be physicians, other health care professionals are permitted if they are not employed by an organization with ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship programs.

Details: Additional information and nomination form available upon request.
Contact: Bianca Andino
Deadline: August 2, 2021

Details: Additional information is available on the Documents and Resources page of the Nuclear Medicine section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Larisa Cassie
Deadline: August 6, 2021

Details: Additional information is available on the Documents and Resources page of the Psychiatry section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Larisa Cassie
Deadline: August 6, 2021

Details and nomination instructions are available in the Family Medicine section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Sandra Benitez
Deadline: September 1, 2021

Details: Details and nomination instructions are available in the Orthopaedic Surgery section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Jennifer Luna
Deadline: September 1, 2021

Additional information and nomination form available upon request.
Contact: Ariel Viera
Deadline: September 10, 2021

Review Committee News / Notices: Ophthalmology

Programs that have established an integrated ophthalmology format or joint preliminary year/ophthalmology format are reminded that the PGY-1 year must be included in the block diagram uploaded into the ADS during the Annual Update. Ophthalmology-specific block diagram instructions are now available on the Documents and Resources page of the Ophthalmology section of the ACGME website.

Programs are also reminded that the Documents and Resources page includes a 2020 memo to the community which addresses common questions about the Ophthalmology Program Requirements effective July 1, 2021.

Career Opportunities

The ACGME currently has the following open positions:

Click on the position linked above for details and to complete an application.