Mission, Vision, and Values
We improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education through advancements in accreditation and education.
We envision a health care system in which the Quadruple Aim* has been realized. We aspire to advance a transformed system of graduate medical education with global reach that is:
- Competency-based with customized professional development and identity formation for all physicians;
- Led by inspirational faculty role models overseeing supervised, humanistic, clinical educational experiences;
- Immersed in evidence-based, data-driven, clinical learning and care environments defined by excellence in clinical care, safety, cost-effectiveness, professionalism, and diversity, equity, and inclusion;
- Located in health care delivery systems equitably meeting local and regional community needs; and,
- Graduating residents and fellows who strive for continuous mastery and altruistic professionalism throughout their careers, placing the needs of patients and their communities first.
*The Quadruple Aim simultaneously improves patient experience of care, population health, and health care practitioner work life, while lowering per capita cost.
- Honesty and Integrity
- Accountability and Transparency
- Equity and Fairness
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Excellence and Innovation
- Stewardship and Service
- Leadership and Collaboration
- Engagement of Stakeholders