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ACGME e-Communication - August 31, 2020

August 31, 2020

ACGME Annual Educational Conference Banner

NEW! Call for Abstracts Now Open for 2021 Annual Educational Conference!
The ACGME invites proposals for abstracts to be presented as virtual posters during the 2021 Annual Educational Conference. All members of the GME community are encouraged to use this opportunity to share their ideas and research with their peers.

Learn More and Submit an Abstract
Proposals due Thursday, October 8, 2020 11:59 p.m. Central

Email questions to abstracts@acgme.org.

NEW! Read JGME's Articles on COVID-19
Open-access articles from the JGME August 2020 issue are now online, featuring articles on how residents, fellows, institutions, and programs are adapting to the pandemic.

Creating a COVID-19 Action Plan for GME Programs
Marja Anton, Josephine Wright, Matthew Braithwaite, Greg Sturgeon, Brian Locke, Caroline Milne, and Aaron Crosby
Citation | Full Text | PDF

Teaching During a Pandemic
Jeffrey W. Redinger, Paul B. Cornia, and Tyler J. Albert
Citation | Full Text | PDF

Internal Medicine Residency Training in the COVID-19 Era—Reflections From Singapore
Adrian Kee, Sophia Archuleta, and Yock Young Dan
Citation | Full Text | PDF

Novel Graduate Medical Education in the Era of a Novel Virus
Rebecca Tisdale, Amy Rogers Filsoof, and Surbhi Singhal
Citation | Full Text | PDF

Shared Loneliness During COVID-19
Fatma Mohamed Mahmoud
Citation | Full Text | PDF

Braving the COVID-19 Pandemic
Cindy M. Pabon
Citation | Full Text | PDF

Access the ACGME's COVID-19 Section
Visit the COVID-19 section of the ACGME website for access to a range of materials, including ACGME Guidance Statements, Frequently Asked Questions, Letters to the Specialty Communities, institutional and well-being resources, and more.

NEW! Draft Milestones Available for Comment
New drafts of the Milestones listed below are available for review and comment. The Milestones reporting data, along with other survey results and comments, informed the changes. The Work Groups also created Supplemental Guides to enhance understanding of the Milestones.


Comment Deadline: September 13, 2020
Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology
Colon and Rectal Surgery
Interventional Cardiology
Preventive Medicine – Aerospace Medicine
Preventive Medicine – Occupational Medicine

Email questions to milestones@acgme.org.

JGME Call for Papers on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
JGME seeks submissions related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in graduate medical education (GME). These manuscripts, submitted in any JGME category, will be expedited by the editors. Topics can include recruitment, selection, onboarding, curriculum, teaching, learning, assessment, clinical learning environment, and faculty development, etc.

Why this call? Research supports the notion that socially diverse groups have more innovation and healthier cultures than homogenous groups. As the ACGME and the GME community strives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, there are many unanswered questions, such as:

  1. How can the community increase the diversity of GME learning environments?
  2. Do GME environments foster inclusiveness, respect, and a culture of safety?
  3. Is there health equity in GME?
  4. What organizational systems are in place to address diversity/equity/inclusion and are members of the organization aware of these systems?
  5. Which interventions are successful in creating more diversity in GME?
  6. How have organizations successfully retained their diverse residents/fellows? Faculty members?

Authors should submit work via the editorial management system: https://www.editorialmanager.com/jgme. Indicate in the cover letter that the submission is in response to the diversity, equity, and inclusion call. Papers on this topic will be reviewed preferentially at any time, and considered for publication in the next 12 months.

Email questions to jgme@acgme.org.

NEW! Register for Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment Courses
Registration is now open for Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment courses! Designed to enhance faculty members' skills in competency-based assessment of residents and fellows, the ACGME is offering these courses online and at no cost, in six-day and 10-week formats this year.

Click Here for More Information

Connecting with Coordinators – An ACGME Interactive Update
Program coordinators are invited to join a one-hour Zoom meeting specifically for coordinators and led by ACGME Chief Accreditation Officer Dr. Lynne Kirk. The call will include brief updates on accreditation and the Coordinator Advisory Group. Participants will be able to connect with peers in breakout rooms to discuss best practices around current issues. Calls are limited to 500 participants and registration is free. 


Register today by clicking the link below related to the relevant professional area; registration for more than one call is acceptable if applicable. Note the session for surgical specialties is full and no longer accepting registration.

Medical Specialties: Tuesday, September 1, 2020, 2:00 p.m. Central
Hospital-based Specialties: Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 1:00 p.m. Central

Email questions to: coordinatorworkshops@acgme.org

Program Requirements for Review and Comment - Specialty Added!
The following Program Requirements and accompanying Impact Statements are posted for review and comment, here.

Comment Deadline: September 4, 2020 - Deadline Friday!
Internal Medicine

NEW! Comment Deadline: October 9, 2020
Pediatric Dermatology

NEW! Review Committee News / Notices: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
"The Guide to Construction of a Block Diagram for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency Programs" has been updated to provide additional clarification related to consults. The guide can be found on the Documents and Resources page of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation section of the ACGME website.

ACGME Seeks Two Institutional Review Committee Members - Deadline Next Monday!
The Institutional Review Committee is seeking two new members whose six-year term will begin July 1, 2021. Members do not have to be physicians. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the committee's current needs, with emphasis on nominees' professional qualifications, geographic distribution, and gender diversity. Nominees will be presented for approval by the ACGME Board of Directors.

Details: Read the full solicitation
Contact: irc@acgme.org
Deadline: September 7, 2020

ACGME Seeks Public Members
The following Review Committees are seeking their next public member for terms beginning July 1, 2021. A public member serves on the Review Committee to share the perspective of the public, foster accountability to the needs of the public, enrich the work of the committee through outside expertise, and create transparency in the work of the Review Committee. Nominees must not be physicians. Other health care professionals are permitted, provided they are not employed by an organization with ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship programs. The term of appointment is six years.

Institutional - Deadline Next Monday!
Details: Read the full solicitation
Contact: irc@acgme.org
Deadline: September 7, 2020

Nuclear Medicine
Details: Read the full solicitation
Contact: Jenny Campbell
Deadline: October 1, 2020

Details: Read the full solicitation
Contact: Jenny Campbell
Deadline: October 1, 2020

Deadlines Today! ACGME Seeks Resident Members
The following Review Committees are seeking their next resident member for terms beginning July 1, 2021. A resident member serves on the Review Committee to share the perspective of the resident, foster accountability to the needs of the resident, enrich the work of the committee through outside expertise, and create transparency in the work of the Review Committee. The Review Committee's selected nominee will be presented for approval by the ACGME Board of Directors at its September 2020 meeting. Terms will be from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023.

Emergency Medicine
Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited emergency medicine program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Read the full solicitation.
Contact: Bianca Andino
Deadline: October 1, 2020

Institutional - Deadline Next Monday!
Details: Read the full solicitation
Contact: irc@acgme.org
Deadline: September 7, 2020

Orthopaedic Surgery - Deadline Today!
Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited orthopaedic surgery program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Read the full solicitation.
Contact: Jennifer Luna
Deadline: August 31, 2020

Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited radiology program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Read the full solicitation.
Contact: Bianca Andino
Deadline: October 1, 2020

Thoracic Surgery - Deadline Today!
Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited thoracic surgery program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Applicants must be in the PGY-2, -3, or -4 during the 2021-2022 academic year. Nomination instructions available upon request.
Contact: Michelle Armstrong
Deadline: August 31, 2020