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ACGME e-Communication - August 3, 2020

August 3, 2020

ACGME Annual Educational Conference Banner

SAVE THE DATE! 2021 Annual Educational Conference Dates Announced!
At an extraordinary time in the history of health care and GME, the ACGME Annual Educational Conference will be held virtually for the first time on February 24-26, 2021. At the ACGME's biggest learning and networking event, attendees will spend three days uniting with new and old colleagues, discovering and exchanging innovative ideas, and discussing academic medicine's biggest challenges and greatest achievements.

The ACGME is committed to providing a wealth of content that applies to those in GME who strive to continue their learning and understanding of current and future health care issues. More information will be available in the coming months. Join the ACGME, colleagues, and new friends and contacts from the GME community and explore the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

PPE Resources in Learn at ACGME
The ACGME created a section in Learn at ACGME dedicated to PPE resources to assist Sponsoring Institutions, programs, and their participating sites. The section includes the ACGME's April 5, 2020 statement on PPE, the ACGME requirements surrounding resident/fellow physical safety, links to selected governmental and organizational resources, and an annotated list of articles about PPE and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Access those resources here.
The ACGME is not endorsing the use of any specific resources.

Frequently Asked Questions Updated
The ACGME has updated the Frequently Asked Questions within the COVID-19 web section to reflect the turnover of the new academic year.

Access those questions here.

Changes in the Annual Update were highlighted during webinars for coordinators and program directors held in early June. The webinars can be viewed in the ACGME's online learning portal, Learn at ACGME. Read the Annual Update FAQs in the ADS Help Center.

REGISTER TODAY! Leadership Skills Training Program for Chief Residents
The ACGME is creating a virtual version of its popular Leadership Skills Training Program for Chief Residents, which includes small-group breakout sessions providing chief residents with tools, skills, and learning opportunities to enhance their understanding of interpersonal communication and group dynamics, including skills critical to success and satisfaction as both a clinician and leader.

Registration requires residents to attend all seven sessions and obtain program director commitment to protected time. Video and audio capability are a prerequisite for participation. These two identical workshops are open to chief residents from all specialties.

Each workshop includes 90-minute weekly sessions for seven weeks. Registration is free butlimited to 40 residents per workshop.

Learn More and Read the Workshop Brochure

Tuesday Afternoons
3:00-4:30 p.m. Central
August 25, September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, and October 6
Register for Tuesdays

Friday Mornings
9:00-10:30 a.m. Central
August 28, September 4, 11, 18, 25, and October 2 and 9
Register for Fridays

Email questions to ariley@acgme.org.

Program Requirements for Review and Comment
The following Program Requirements and accompanying Impact Statements are posted for review and comment, here.

Comment Deadline: August 26, 2020
Institutional Requirements
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Clinical Neurophysiology
Vascular Neurology

Comment Deadline: September 4, 2020
Internal Medicine

Review Committee News / Notices: Obstetrics and Gynecology
NEW! Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Review Committee has updated FAQs for obstetrics and gynecology, gynecologic oncology, female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery, and reproductive endocrinology and infertility. They can be found on the Program Requirements and FAQs and Applications page of the Obstetrics and Gynecology section of the ACGME website.

Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Case Log
The Review Committees for Obstetrics and Gynecology and Urology have reviewed and updated the female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery index categories. Required minimum procedural experiences have been established and are effective beginning with the 2021 graduates. The Committees recognize it may take time for programs to acclimate to the new minimums and citations related to the minimums will not be issued until July 1, 2022.

The Case Log System will be updated in mid-September, after all off-cycle 2020 graduates complete the program.

The document, "Case Log Information: Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery," can be found on the Documents and Resources page of the Obstetrics and Gynecology section of the ACGME website.

NEW! Review Committee News / Notices: Ophthalmology
The Review Committee has updated the Ophthalmology Frequently Asked Questions, including new guidance regarding online education and quality metrics. The FAQs can be found on the Program Requirements and FAQs and Applications page of the Ophthalmology section of the ACGME website.

Recognition Committee News / Notices: Osteopathic Recognition
An Accreditation Data System (ADS)Annual Update Guide for Osteopathic Recognition is now available to assist programs with Osteopathic Recognition in completing the Annual Update, and to ensure all necessary Osteopathic Recognition information has been reviewed and updated.

NEW! Review Committee News / Notices: Pathology
The Review Committee has provided guidelines for how resident/fellow status in the anatomic pathology/neuropathology track should be reported, and how that affects Case Log reporting for the anatomic pathology/clinical pathology program. Access the document on the Documents and Resources page of the Pathology section of the ACGME website.

Email questions to Associate Executive Director Kristen Kennedy.

Review Committee News / Notices: Urology
NEW! Frequently Asked Questions
The Urology and Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery FAQ documents have been updated and can be found on the Program Requirements and FAQs and Applications page of the Urology section of the ACGME website.

Programs are reminded that the Review Committee established new Case Log minimums for the index categories required for resident education in urology. The new minimums are effective with the 2021 graduates. The Case Log System will be updated in September to reflect the changes. See "Urology Case Log: New Minimums Effective 2021 Graduates," available on the Documents and Resources page of the Urology section of the ACGME website.

Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Case Logs
The Review Committees for Obstetrics and Gynecology and Urology have reviewed and updated the female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery index categories. Required minimum procedural experiences have been established and are effective beginning with the 2021 graduates. The Committees recognize it may take time for programs to acclimate to the new minimums and citations related to the minimums will not be issued until July 1, 2022.

The Case Log System will be updated in mid-September, after all off-cycle 2020 graduates complete the program.

The document, "Case Log Information: Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery," can be found on the Documents and Resources page of the Urology section of the ACGME website.

Block Diagram
Beginning with the 2020-2021 Academic Year, the urology-specific fillable block diagram must be used during the ADS Annual Update by urology, female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery (urology-based programs only), and pediatric urology programs. The fillable block diagram and instructions can be found on the Documents and Resources page of the Urology section of the ACGME website.

ACGME Seeks Two Institutional Review Committee Members
The Institutional Review Committee is seeking two new members whose six-year term will begin July 1, 2021. Members do not have to be physicians. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the applicable Committee's current needs, with emphasis on the nominees' professional qualifications, geographic distribution, and gender diversity. Nominees will be presented for approval by the ACGME Board of Directors.

Details: Read the full solicitation
Contact: irc@acgme.org
Deadline: September 7, 2020

ACGME Seeks Public Members
The following Review Committees are seeking their next public member for terms beginning July 1, 2021. A public member serves on the Review Committee to share the perspective of the public, foster accountability to the needs of the public, enrich the work of the Committee through outside expertise, and create transparency in the work of the Review Committee. Nominees must not be physicians. Other health care professionals are permitted, provided they are not employed by an organization with ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship programs. The term of appointment is six years.

Details: Read the full solicitation
Contact: irc@acgme.org
Deadline: September 7, 2020

Nuclear Medicine
Read the full solicitation
Contact: Jenny Campbell
October 1, 2020

Read the full solicitation
Jenny Campbell
Deadline: October 1, 2020

ACGME Seeks Resident Members
The following Review Committees are seeking their next resident member for terms beginning July 1, 2021. A resident member serves on the Review Committee to share the perspective of the resident, foster accountability to the needs of the resident, enrich the work of the Committee through outside expertise, and create transparency in the work of the Review Committee. The Review Committee's selected nominee will be presented for approval by the ACGME Board of Directors at its September 2020 meeting. The new resident member's term will be from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023.

Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited dermatology program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Read the full solicitation.
Contact: Sandra Benitez
Deadline: August 14, 2020

Emergency Medicine
Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited emergency medicine program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Read the full solicitation.
Contact: Bianca Andino
Deadline: October 1, 2020

Details: Read the full solicitation
Contact: irc@acgme.org
Deadline: September 7, 2020

Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited radiology program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Read the full solicitation.
Contact: Bianca Andino
Deadline: October 1, 2020

Orthopaedic Surgery
Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited orthopaedic surgery program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Read the full solicitation.
Contact: Jennifer Luna
Deadline: August 31, 2020

Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited surgery program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Applicants must bein thePGY-2, -3, or -4 during the 2021-2022 academic year. Nomination instructions available upon request.
Contact: Michelle Armstrong
Deadline: August 14, 2020

Thoracic Surgery
Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited thoracic surgery program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Applicants must bein thePGY-2,-3, or -4 during the 2021-2022 academic year. Nomination instructions available upon request.
Contact: Michelle Armstrong
Deadline: August 14, 2020

Details: Nominees must be a resident in an ACGME-accredited urology program, or a fellow in an ACGME-accredited pediatric urology or female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery program. A nominee must be able to serve a two-year term. Read the full solicitation.
Contact: Tina Espina
Deadline: August 10, 2020