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The Program Directors’ Guide to the Common Program Requirements is available in eBook format, with one for residency programs and one for fellowship (including one-year fellowship) programs.

The eBook is available in the ACGME’s online learning portal, Learn at ACGME. For those in the graduate medical education community who already have an account, log in and access the eBook directly from the Dashboard. From the homepage, scroll down and click “Coordinators” or “Program Directors.” From that menu, click “Interactive Handbook.”

To create a FREE account, click the link above and select “Create an Account” at the top of the screen, then follow instructions above to enjoy access to the Guide and numerous other resources. The eBooks are also available via these direct links:

Residency: Download a PDF version here.

Fellowship: Download a PDF version here.

The Guide should serve as a resource, and the content within it is designed to serve as helpful guidance and not to be interpreted as additional requirements.

This is not meant to be read cover to cover in one sitting, but to be referenced as needed throughout the academic year.

Note that every set of specialty-specific Program Requirements includes content specific and unique to the specialty or subspecialty. This is not addressed in this guide. The specialty-specific FAQs and other resource documents provided by the respective Review Committee should be consulted; these are available on the specialty’s section of the ACGME website. Contact the Review Committee staff with specific questions (Review Committee staff contact information can be found on each specialty’s section of the website).

The Guide will be reviewed and updated regularly and as needed. Provide comments, feedback, or questions regarding the Guide through this survey.