
The ACGME understands the challenges and uncertainties faced by the graduate medical education community (GME) amidst the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, and remains committed to supporting the health and well-being of residents, fellows, and faculty members, and the patients they serve.

As the situation evolves, the ACGME will continue to monitor the needs of the GME community and provide appropriate guidance, clarification, and resources in this section.

Sponsoring Institution Emergency Categorization

Review the ACGME’s Sponsoring Institution Emergency Categorization process. View additional resources for Sponsoring Institutions in Learn at ACGME.

Program Emergency Categorization

Review the ACGME’s Program Emergency Categorization process for individual programs.

Transitions in Medical Education

Review toolkits with guidance and resources from the ACGME and partner organizations to support tranisitions from medical school to residency, residency to fellowship, and residency and fellowship to clinical practice. These may be updated periodically.

ACGME Guidance Statements

Review guidance from the ACGME on accreditation priorities; resident, fellow, faculty member, and patient safety; conduct of GME; and more. These are updated as they are developed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Review FAQs from the GME community. These are updated regularly.

Well-Being Resources

The ACGME has convened a task force that created a pandemic-focused well-being resource library and is soliciting local solutions to share. These resources are available in Learn at ACGME.

Contact Us:

General Inquiries

Emergency Categorization Questions
Sponsoring Institutions

Office of Complaints
The ACGME continues to process complaints and investigate incidents of alleged non-compliance with ACGME Institutional and Program Requirements.

Accreditation Data System (ADS)
For assistance accessing or entering information into the ACGME Accreditation Data System (ADS)
email ads@acgme.org or find a customer service representative